Solomon & Bekah. 

January 2020, New Orleans, LA. 

Joliet Morrill. 

London, UK, 2020.

Joliet Morrill by Ehsan S. taken on a medium format Fujifilm GX680.

Camden Town, London, UK. January 2020.

Muhamed Badje (front stripes), Joliet Morrill (middle bangs), & Francisca (red). February, 2020 London, England. 

"Louis Bachiller's birthday party. Taken on a disposable film camera." 

Ben Seckington, Centerbury, England. 2020.

Taken by Joliet Morrill.

Joliet Morrill. Ben Seckington, Mamou Samaké. 

March 10, 2020. London, UK. 

Joliet Morrill taken by Jesse Brooks. 

London, Uk 2020. 

Maggie Murphy (right). February 27, 2020. Thursday open mic at the Thirsty Mind Cafe in South Hadley, MA. Taken a few weeks before lockdown. Screenshot of snapchat.

Charlie Tall, Ben Seckington, Joliet Morrill

March, 16 2020. London, England. 

"Right before the world ended"

Screenshot from Shannon's finsta or "spam." 

March 18, 2020. 

BLM march in my hometown of Ridgewood, NJ" -Alison Hong


"Pandemic muffins. No idea why it became a thing." -Amy Wade

2020, Darien, CT.

Sophie Schweik (middle) and her parents. March, 2020. 

"I like this photo because all of the faces are genuine, even if it’s a selfie. It was the first “spa night” of quarantine which my parents and I came up with after being stuck together for so long and all needing something to look forward to during the week!" 

Screenshot of finsta post, anonymous. 

June 18, 2020. 

Screenshot of finsta post, anonymous. 


Melody Morrill (left) and Monica Heintz. October, 2020 New Orleans, Louisiana. Taken on the public bus on the way to French Quarter Halloween celebration. 

"December 29th 2020, this was in my backyard (Hanson, MA) and I really liked the way the moonlight was reflecting off of the lake." -Percy Child 

"February 2021 - There was a split second of nostalgia for the 21 year old beast as it gave way to the 5 year new stallion... The new car became very liberating for this phaze of the pandemic. At least I could drive around and see what was out there in the world... And it was snazzy red - never had a red one before..." -Scott Cadwallader

Northamton, MA

"Sylvan Heights Bird Park April 20, on a date with my long distance partner when I went to visit her." -Maggie Murphy, 2021.

Screenshot from Shannon's finsta or "spam."

September 23, 2020. 

London, UK.

Molly Lyons, Elle Spurr, Tom Wade, and Joliet Morrill. 

October, 2020. 

Molly's dad insisted on taking this very awkward photo of us to send to our friend Clem down in New Orleans. 

Screenshot of Jordan's finsta. 

November 3, 2020.

Cassidy Louis & Solomon Jupiter. 2021, New Orleans, LA.

Solomon Jupiter. 2021, New Orleans, LA.

Cassidy Louis & Solomon Jupiter. 2021, New Orleans, LA.

Joliet Morrill after first dose of Pfizer!

March, 2021. Lee. MA. 

"This was taken in April 2021 on my balcony in Troy NY! It’s probably the most genuine smile I’ve been able to capture in a really long time :)." -Tori Gernert-Dott

"April 24th, 2021 finally got to introduce my boyfriend to Red’s Chinese after they reopened. He loved their General’s Chicken :)) It was the perfect end to one of the nicest weekends I’ve had since last March - and I think this picture is pretty priceless hehe" -Claire Bell, New Orleans, LA. 

Jasper Cook, Day Mayer, and Karina Ramirez. 

Uptown, New Orleans, LA. April 2021.

"Josh and Shadan, really fun people to be around" -Bruce Powers

Joshua Tree, California 2021.

Amber Aisha shot by Bruce Powers. 

2021, Hollywood, California.

"One big happy family." 

Shot by Bruce Powers.

Joshua Tree California, 2021.

James and Laurent.

 Shot by Bruce Powers.

2021, New Orleans LA

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